Getting old...
I'm not usually someone who dwells on the supreme misery of life....(well ok then I am), but yesterday I hit a new low.
I took some jeans back to Burton, as they were the wrong size (i'm a humble 34R since you ask) and also as I thought they were damaged. I told the sales assistant these two facts and what ensued is something of complete embarassment.
"Where was the damage?" he said,
"Just on the knee there and that knee there" I tentatively replied.
"Erm, sorry but that's the fashion mate"
"Er..well, erm, I thought that it looked stupid anyway"
OH NO! I held my head in my hands and realised what i had just done. I had just shown my age...yes if the hairline didn't give it away, my lack of any fashion sense did. I know i'm only 21, but I get the sneaky feeling that within two or three years i'll be wearing 'jesus sandals'.
Oh dear.
Anyway, that was yesterday and since then i've got back on the horse!
Due to an interesting conversation with me lass about the possibility of the invention of the 'nose muff' (don't ask), i've come up with a great idea for an invention....
'For women who are cold downstairs'
Again, don't ask where that came from but hell, what a great idea!
Just to be topical again for one sinew of a second, Lincoln pubs aren't jumping at the chance to stay open for 24 hours under the new legislation. What a crock!
I don't care for the logistical or financial reasons behind this, I just wanna get pissed up at stupid hours of the day when my dissertation write-up is going badly next year...that's all.
Also, before I sign off for more hilarious adventures, I just want to say to my amazing readers, please feel free to leave comments on any of the subjects by clicking the little icon at the end of the posts...adieu
Ha ha - why not the cock muff as well, for when we play footy in the winter.
Especially for you big boy - I've seen you running!
muff? In America it means something very interesting. But girls here don't have muffs.
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