Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Reactions to the Conversation....

For some bizarre reason, my argument on changing the entire system of time that we currently live by has hit a nerve with a few people.

For example, yesterday someone (my girlfriend I think) pointed out that isn't time measured by the amount of times the Earth turns and the amount of times that the world orbits the Sun?

Fuck that shit! I already pointed out how flimsy our time system was, so to defend it by blaming it on the Sun just backs me up. I don't particularly live my life by what the Sun tells me to do so why the fuck should anyone else?

Secondly, someone (Walton) mentioned the issue of it taking ages to get to Xmas. As you can imagine, I totally disagree with that being a problem too. Surely the importance and celebration of Xmas will be far more enjoyable when you've waited ages for it and under the new system, Xmas will also last longer!

So c'mon people, in the words of MJ let's make that change!

In other news, council workers are striking today. I don't care. But don't tell the people I'm interviewing on camera later.

Party on.


Blogger Ax said...

"...i don't particularly live my life by what the Sun tells me to do so why the fuck should anyone else?" robert dixon, 2006

er...yes you do, u work during the day when the sun shines and then when its dark u and watch match of the day and go to sleep. so u do live your life by what the sun DOES. the sun does not speak. It shines. duh.

12:56 pm  
Blogger Rob said...

Bite me!

If it was socially acceptable to live during the night, I would gradly do that as then I wouldn't have to see your face ever again!

However, to fit the constraints of a modern society...I GRIN AND BEAR OUR RELATIONSHIP!

Only joking...

3:49 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live during the night. I don't see much sun (or son), but I survive.....................JUST

10:06 am  

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