Superman and my holiday...
Good morning all and sundry!
Today the weather is beautiful and sunny in stark contrast to the shitty rain which has enveloped Lincolnshire recently. I'm also in a chipper mood as I just watched Superman II and guess what! He won! Bonzer!
As I am on 'holiday' as I'm calling it, this week will be spent relaxing with a view to sorting birthday presents out for my beloved who I miss like crazy....and Ana. Kes is at work today you see.
For my parent's information too, my job search continues with Guardian Jobmatch proving a valuable resource. I'm open to all kinds of shit, so something perfect will come along soon.
In other news, I'm sorry to all Gunners fans that Barca humped them. I did watch the full 90 minutes as no one told me otherwise. I also, of course, thoroughly enjoyed Eurovision too. Lithuania in particular was stunning but Finland were worthy winners. However, no one remembers Romania: a good bouncy euro-pop number I would have bet my life on winning on Saturday. Also, Sweden seemed to recreate the spirit of ABBA with their big disco number. It was a good night.
Right, I'm off shortly to say by to two of my esteemed housemates, Sam and Sarah who are departing today. With Ana leaving last Friday, it seems a void is opening in my life which can only be filled by....playing as England on Pro Evo 5.
Rock on.
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