Death, links and sex...
I am sorry for anyone who reads this regularly for several reasons:
1. I'm sorry you have no life.
2. I'm sorry you probably smell of cheese and shit.
3. I'm sorry but I haven't updated this in ages.
I haven't particularly been busy, I've just not had that humourous and witty outlook on my life for the past few days. It has been a dark time this weekend (no, seriously), bit of death here and a bit of death there.
ANYWAY! I know what you're thinking, you're thinking 'Whoa, Rob don't take me there' and to be honest readers...I don't wanna take you there! So let's carry on with some light-hearted banter.

Firstly, well done to the Boro for playing out a 2 2 draw against the mighty 'Brom. For fuck's sake boys, we used to be a team who couldn't score but defended well, now we're a team who score but can't defend! This doesn't worry me tho, as we haven't conceded in Europe yet and the Yak is still firing in goals! Bring on Palace.
Talking of Palace, Palace fan James Chick helped me out greatly in solving the problems I've had trying to put the 'Links' section on the site. Chick helped out brilliantly with a stirling tip....'use the help section'. Thanks Chick.
Something else that tickled my fancy was a conversation I had that ended in an idea for a great feature for this site:
I came up with a few ideas like:
1. So your tits are just like a cow's udders yeah?
2.I want to rip off your asscheeks and wear them as a hat.
3.What's that squelchy noise?
4.That makes me feel really uncomfortable.
5.You really need a Muff Muff.
It's at this point I ask you (yes you!) for some of your own witty suggestions. You can email them to me or leave them in the comments section, and I will put up a definitive list at the end of the week.
(It is now that I feel I should highlight the fact I have never said these things during sex, so please don't jump to this conclusion. My girlfriend will vouch for this.)
Anyway, until next time my chums, adieu.
PS. I am yet to recieve an email back from Norwich City in reply to my email on Thursday.
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