The Ball Aftermath...
Yes, hello.
I am still here and best of all, unlike the majority of my friends, I didn't lose a night of my life at the Lincoln University Xmas Ball.
I don't wanna bore anyone with the details, but ents-wise, it was utter excrement...and the food (well the food that I managed to eat after the human dustbin on the table passed me some) was wire wool.
However, I must praise the DJ! (Yes, I'm praising a DJ!). He was totally my soul-bruvva in many ways with his crazy tunes. Yeh we'll have some Bloc, oh and some Maximo or maybe a bit of Rage Against The Machine (!?)...what a dude.
Top marks to him, he made me dance my malnutrition away with his amazing tunage.
Characters that I observed at the Ball can be split in to several categories:
The Pissed: those who start drinking at 7pm and are kicked out at 7.30pm.
The Mishearers: those who mishear what someone says, then fall out with them, then go into town to buy them a reconcilatory sandwich.
The Forgetful: Those who were there, but can't actually remember being there.
The Problem Makers: Those who decide, as they've drank a glass of wine, they want to split up their girlfriends and go out with ex-girlfriends while wandering around licking people's faces.
The Dirty: Those who decide they've had a pint so its time to stick their fingers in their lady's woo-woo and get people to smell their fingers.
No mentioning of names here, they all know who they are and understand how utterly bizarre they can act.
However, I want more of these hilarious stories, so if you can think of another character to be placed with the above, email me and I'll put it up. No probs.
How about the drunk single female, and the drunk male, who has a girlfriend, who "get engaged", try convince the bar staff to give them free champagne, then have an official engagement piccie taken by the posh photographer?
I personally think people getting kinky and shagging under the dinner tables was one of the hilarious stories of the night...and apparently a couple were actually caught...ha ha ha
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